transmission lines

Transmission lines in Kuala Lumpur

Transmission lines in Kuala Lumpur are many and closer to homes. High magnetic field radiation exposure and health effects is expected in so many apartment buildings.

Video Q&A: Developer Liabilities for Selling Land near Transmission Lines

Video Q&A: We're looking at buy near transmission lines. Do developers need to disclose radiation levels? We get asked lots of questions by our friends on Social Media. We answer them here. CRAIG ASKED... 'Hi Patrick! My wife and I are looking at downsizing and having a home built in a new subdivision in the town we live in now. When we went to look at the model home and saw the map of the homes that will be built in the next phase, we saw some property that looked like we would [...]

By |2019-07-16T03:25:31+10:00July 16th, 2019|Categories: Q&A, Q&A Living Tips, Q&A Power Lines|Tags: , |0 Comments

Living near power lines – How close is too close? – 004

Living near power lines - How close is too close? Health Stronghold Podcast - Episode 4 Welcome and thank you for listening to Episode 4! Go to next Podcast Power lines, big or small, may or may not be a serious health burden depending on many factors. In this podcast Patrick explains the burning question so many people have: What distance is safe when it comes to living near power lines? We trust you'll find this podcast to give great insight into the factors involved. Also list to the 'EMF Radiation, a detailed introduction' podcast   << Right click here and [...]

By |2019-02-26T17:54:13+11:00February 26th, 2019|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments
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