People who started our FREE EMF training at Professional Level EMF assessment and mitigation, are returning every week

Patrick is trying to get you excited about learning how to interpret, assess and mitigate EMF radiation through a detailed series of small webinars in which he shares much of the professional EMF Consultant training he has been teaching to people across the world.

Register for one of the 2 time-zone sessions to make this accessible to everyone around the world. Replay may not be available going forward to be there live, get to know us, interact, ask questions and learn way more that you thought you’d get in a FREE event.

Patrick hosts Professional EMF Consultant training online as a stand alone program and expandable with more business knowledge and intense in-person training, always in small groups, multiple times per year. Find out more about his EMF1, EMF2 and EMF3 training modules here.

  • GEOVITAL Discount SALE

    New Year SALE 2024

    A special SALE for the start of 2024 - Health Mattresses on SALE for everyone and also Shielding Solutions for our home assessment clients.

  • GEOVITAL EMF Radiation home assessments by Patrick van der Burght are available on his East Coast Australia tour

    Australian East Coast EMF Assessment Tour October 2022

    Global EMF expert Patrick van der Burght is traveling up the East Coast of Australia and down through country NSW. Availability to do EMF home assessments is limited. Contact us today.

  • حماية المنزل من الإشعاع الكهرومغناطيسي لمنزل أكثر صحة

    The dangers of EMF Radiation in Arabic countries

    The understanding of the potential health risks of EMF radiation from electricity and transmitters like phone towers and WiFi is relatively low in the Arabic speaking countries. In this interview and translation into Arabic by Architect Maitha Alazawi, we aim to respectfully educate and empower people to make their own decision if radiation protection is warranted in their homes.

  • Phone tower radiation is allowed extremely close to people on the pier in Scheveningen

    Shocking Phone Tower Transmitters close to people in Scheveningen Netherlands

    Never before have we seen the public exposed to so much intense RF radiation as on the pier in Schevenining in the Netherlands, where cell phone tower transmitters are mounted only meters away from people without any warning signs.

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Check out the VIDEO Q&A section with answers to questions from the public.