Low-Pass Filter – HF Field Probe.

Low-Pass Filter – HF Field Probe.

$146.00 USD

Low-pass filter for the HF Field Probe (replacement)

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SKU: GE7060-DCT Categories: , Tags: , ,


Low-Pass SMA filter for the HF Field Probe (replacement)

Used for taking RF radiation assessments measurement with the HF Field Probe that are comparable to those of the Hengstenberg digitmeter.

The new HF Field Probe has been designed to assess radio frequency (RF) radiation up to 8 GHz. In order to build on the 20 years of experience accumulated with the Hengstenberg digitmeter, which only went up to 2.5 GHz, this filter enables the user to reduce their HF Field Probe’s abilities down to 2.5GHz.

NOTE: This item is included when you purchase the HF Field Probe. It is offered separately for purchase in case you’ve lost it.

Gold plated

SMA plug

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