Transmission lines in Kuala Lumpur
Transmission lines in Kuala Lumpur are many and closer to homes. High magnetic field radiation exposure and health effects is expected in so many apartment buildings.
Cellphone Radiation Protection Tested
An experiment to show the difference when using a cellphone radiation protection solution that works during 4G and 5G use.
Avoiding EMF Radiation in a (Holiday) Home Property Purchase
EMF Radiation Avoidance explained whilst walking through the streets of Majorca in Spain. The principles are the same for any (holiday) home purchase. Magnetic fields must be avoided at all cost.
iPhone 13 and Radiation Reduction Tips
EMF Radiation Reductions Tips for the New iPhone 13 (or other phones) - In this video we show you the new iPhone 13 and how you can use it in a safer way.
VIDEO: FREE EMF training at PRO-level pulls a dedicated croud
VIDEO: Patrick highlights some of the incredible details normally taught in his EMF1 course, now being share in FREE EMF training session via webinars. Join us quickly.