
Seattle, Eugene, Portland – Stephanie Brening is coming

Stephanie Brening is traveling and available for EMF home assessments - Seattle, Eugene & Portland Stephanie Brening is our consultant in Deer Harbor, Washington and she going on a trip to assess homes. You can secure an appointment right now. She will be traveling from Seattle, Washington to Eugene, Oregon with a stopover in Portland, Oregon from July 26-July 29th, 2019. To book a home assessment in your area while she is there please contact ASAP. Slots are filling up. Stephanie is a Nutritional Therapist Practitioner specializing in holistic health and using healthy lifestyle and food to rebalance and regain vitality. [...]

By |2019-07-15T00:51:58+10:00July 15th, 2019|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments
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