Media briefing on 5G with Ontario, Canada’s Doctors and Scientists.
This media briefing brings about the latest science about the health effects of radiation from wireless devices. It consists of Expert Panel including doctors and scientists who have a warning for health conditions that are predicted to rise if we have to accept the next generation of 5g wireless technology. Joined with scientific researchers in 41 other countries including US and UK who also that 5G is going to pose a massive health risk.
Some of these experts are:
- Dr. Riina Bray MD, Environmental Health Consultant – She achieved first – class honours in chemical engineering. Earned her Masters of Science degree in pharmacology and biomedical engineering in the area of addictions and toxicology. Studied medicine at the University of Toronto and did her specialty in Family Practice at UBC. She holds a Master’s of Health Sciences (Public Health) in Family and Community Medicine.
Over the last 15 years, the Environmental Health Clinic has been assessing an increasing number of patients who suffers from the adverse effects brought on by radiofrequency radiationn. Some of the most prevalent symptoms are headache, fatigue, irritability and insomia. Impacts on hearts and nervous system are also great concerns. The clinic help them identifies the cause of their symptoms and educate them in order to minimize exposure.
- Dr. Magda Havas Ph. D. – She is a Professor Emeritus from University of Toronto. She completed Post Doctoral research at Cornell University. She taught both in University of Toronto and Trent University. Written almost 200 publications and has lectured in universities and medial conferences in 30 countries.
She explained about the elevated risks associated with wireless 5G. Most recently, she has been researching the public health implications of 5g. A new type of radiation called millimetre waves, these are an integral part of the 5g technology. This will bring with it an additional layer of microwave exposure. 5G is a new frequency that have never been tested for their long-term biological and health effects.
- Dr. Anthony Miller – Professor Emeritus at University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health. He worked as a national health scientist for the Canadian government and has been awarded the medal of honour by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
He is associated with International Agency for Research on Cancer that recommended the World Health Organisation (WHO) to list all radiofrequency radiation. That is the radiation that powers mobile phones and wifi as a possible carnicogen.
- Dr. Meg Sears – She is the Chair of Prevent Cancer Now. She holds a Ph.D. and biochemical engineer. She is associated with the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and a scientific advisor to the Canadian Human Rights Commision, the National Research Council and other government bodies.
She spoke about identifying a safer approach to communication technology. She recommended to invest in fiber optic cables known technology through communities within building. Communications by a fiber is at least as fast, reliable, secure and its harmless compare to the wireless radiation.
These are their four-step path recommendations:
1. Faster internet communication will be built with fibre optic wiring into and through the buildings.
2. Appropriate agency ministries commit to early detection of any health effects. This can be done by monitoring and reporting to public health agencies and giving special consideration to children who are the most vulnerable.
3. Ministry of health to begun discussions with doctors who are already assessing and treating illnesses related to wireless exposure. Plans should be develop to educate family physicians across the province so they can identify the condition and health of patients
4. That the Ministry of Health and Environment manages independent safety testing on wireless 5G before it is allowed to be installed.