Grounding of GPA shielding mesh is done with metal strapping or hole band. You can buy that in hardware stores, but it’s always wide, tough to cut, unforgiving when bend and generally difficult to work with. Our metal strapping / hole band is easy to cut, easy to bend back and comes in convenience dispensing cases, ideal for the job.
The grounding needs to make contact with every panel of GPA mesh. So, for example, if you have 3 strips of GPA mesh going around a simple bedroom with no windows, then the strips would start on one wide of the door and be able to go all the way around without having to be cut for windows in its path. You could then simply apply (nail, screw, glue?) one strip of grounding band from ceiling to floor on one of the vertical studs of your framing and it would then touch each of the 3 panels. The strapping can then be made contact with through a electrical wire which can be led to a nearby course of ground, like the ground found in power outlets or you could use a dedicated stake in the ground (Electrician needs to make this connection).
If the horizontal strips were needing to be cut completely because of another door or big window in its path, then you end up with a seperate piece of GPA Mesh on the other side of that door or window. Then you would have to apply more than one vertical strips of grounding band to also make contact with this separated piece of GPA, and have it connected to ground.
Plan ahead on how and where on the framework you are going to secure the grounding strip and how this may impact the layers you plan to put over the top. When going over it with plaster board / Gyprock, the presence of a strip of grounding strapping may see the stud sticking out a little. Adhesive may hide that well, but you could secure the strapping to the side of the stud instead. This can’t be done when all mesh is already tightly on the wall of course, so you have to apply the ground strapping / hole band whilst you are going around the room applying the mesh itself.