The thing to keep in mind when deciding who should help you to create a healthier home by incorporating EMF radiation protection, is what the background and intent of the company or consultant is that you are dealing with.
With us our background is firmly grounded in our natural health clinic in Austria where this who specialisation in environmental medicine started. For us it has always been the patients that were the benchmark for anything we did. Any approach we developed, any way of investigating the problems and even more so when crafting solutions for the patients of our clinic and health clients of our consultants.
What is the aim really? Radiation… OR Health?
The aim is to help people recover health or protect it. To help work towards this, you don’t want ‘product’ but you need the solutions. In our view, if it doesn’t maximise the opportunity to achieve the desired results, or it just doesn’t work, or it causes problems years later… then that it just not good enough. Our focus is on the families we help, regardless if they are average families, corporate high-flyers, celebrities or the Royal families we deal with. If what we put in their homes helps them with radiation but burdens them in other ways in the years to come… that is just not good enough.

EMF Radiation-Free Built apartments in Germany
In contrast to our experience and focus which is linked to patients and health clients, there are many people and products in our industry where price point, turn over and market share are the focus. We invented may true solutions for EMF, just because we needed to as nobody else makes it or wants to make it the way we feel is important to help achieve the end goal for our clients.
Just like open heart surgery, you could get it cheaper in some dark places of the world… but would you really want to? You are likely building once in your life. Why not do it right on the first go? In the scheme of things, what you do with us elevates your building from a house that suits the lifestyle and might work against health to a home that protects its residents. It is the most important function your home has… to keep you safe. The expense of building radiation-free might be similar to the cost of a swimming pool or roof… You’re worth doing this right.

Her Royal Highness Sultana of Pahang and EMF Consultant Patrick van der Burght
About Patrick van der Burght
As for Patrick – He is likely the most experienced EMF Radiation-Free Building Consultant out there. He trains new consultants in the assessment processes of existing homes and radiation-free building. He speaks internationally on the subject of EMF radiation and people from all walks of life see his council including normal families, corporate high flyers and even Royalty. You will be in good hands with Patrick van der Burght and his team.