Complete list of 5G tower locations in Australia obtained from AMTA and confirmed site location from RFNSA

TOTT News published a complete list of all 5G tower locations across Australia. They obtained it from the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) under fair use and confirmed with site location data from the Radio Frequency National Site Archive (RFNSA).

It is set to have a national roll-out this year and the Department of Communication have detailed plans to support it. It was spelled out in their paper, 5G -Enabling the Future Economy.
The documented cited that, the roll-out of 5G in Australia will “will enable the next wave of productivity and innovation across different sectors of the Australian economy.” Telecommunications carriers are working with mobile equipment suppliers in examining the applications and limits of the technology. With that, the race is on for telcos to bring it to the market.
5G is the 5th generation of wireless communications technology innovation. It has a promise of greater network speeds and bandwidth and improved connectivity. While 5G technology is definitely a boon for mobile infrastructure, many experts also warn for its potential health risks.