At present I (Patrick) am the only consultant in Melbourne but I’m often away and do charge a little more for my assessment services. Allen Cheney, who you may have very well spoken to on the phone if you rang our land line, is based in NSW but coming to Melbourne to do some assessments. Allen is one of my senior consultants, assists students in my EMF Business Start-Up Course and is very knowledgeable. … And he charges less than I do.
Allen has a lot of experience and keen for you to learn more about his approach to EMF assessment and mitigation.
We’re hosting a short chat with Allen on Wednesday night, 7:30pm and you can join us.
When Allen did an assessment with Chrissie Charley, she surprised him with wanting to make a mini documentary about the process, as she wanted others to know about the issues, Allen’s services and the solutions. Have a look yourself.
Watch the Video about Allen Assessment
So, if you’re in Melbourne and don’t need my specific expertise, then Allen is available for a few more home assessments during his visit:
The easiest way to contact Allen is through his new profile page. Go here and click CONTACT ME