Group discussion about the 5G Radiation questions LAFM Tasmania Talks didn’t allow to go to air
LAFM Tasmania Talks is a local radiation station servicing the people of Tasmania. On the 6th of April an on-air questioning of the Australian Telecommunications Company TELSTRA was suggested and some members of the public invited to ‘contribute’. Delighted with the opportunity to reach and bring some of these well founded questions to members of the public, we ended up being very disappointed. To ask the telecommunications giant their standpoint on EMF radiation research was of course pointless as they have shareholders to look after and government exposure standards to hide behind, however, LAFM Tasmania Talks gave almost no space to place some important questions and it felt like LAFM failed in it’s efforts to actually report on an issues that is a growing concern amongst the world population.
We decided to discuss and for you to hear, the questions and facts we would like the public to hear about and we know TELSTRA would dismiss regardless of its content or merit. With no independent testing of the non-ionising biological effects of 5G as a seperate system in existence, the introduction of anther network seems highly questionable. This especially in light of the thousands of peer-reviewed research studies indicating harm from radio frequency radiation, as well as the radio frequency radiation being classified as a Class 2b Possible Carcinogen by the World Health Organisation. The same class as car exhaust fumes….
If you are new to the subject, Realise smoking in airplanes, lead paint and astbestos were considered perfectly safe and many lives were affected by not applying a precautionary principle to keep the population safe. There is enough evidence to support governments are failing to protect us from the effects from 3G and 4G which is well documented, and have no idea about the added burden 5G will be to this and possibly future generations.
We hope LAFM Tasmania Talks will allow ample time to revisit this subject.