How does radiation exposure (EMF) affect fertility, pregnancy and children

Radiation exposure (EMF) in the home and at work should be taken very seriously when trying to conceive, pregnant, experiencing miscarriage and by those with young children. This interview discusses simple tips to reduce exposure to easily avoided sources and how homes can be properly protected or built to be avoid the high levels of EMF experienced in most homes.

Katherine Smith ND, who is a specialist in natural fertility management in eastern Melbourne, Australia, interviews Patrick van der Burght of GEOVITAL about:
– radiation exposure found in the average home
– the effects on fertility, pregnancy and child development,
– how both male and females should prepare themselves for conception
– what a Geovital home EMF assessment looks like
– what is involved in verifiable radiation elimination and shielding solutions

There is an increasing amount of research available to support fertility and pregnancy are greatly affected by low level radiation most people are exposed to. Lowering this exposure is important for everybody, but especially for those trying to conceive, having trouble conceiving, experiencing miscarriage and those hoping to increase the effectiveness of IVF treatment.

GEOVITAL is a naturopathic natural health clinic in Austria with near 40 years experience that specialised in addressing the environmental health burden found in most patients homes and has been teaching this approach to doctors, therapists, architects and others interested in creating healthier homes. Geovital’s network of assessors is growing worldwide but we need many more. Learn more about our training here.
