LIVE – Online EMF Radiation Home Assessment

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LIVE: Online EMF Radiation Home Assessment

Witness one of your fellow student perform a guided EMF radiation home assessment. As one of Patrick’s PRO-Level students, it is an opportunity to witness a practice home assessment being done by one of your fellow students. As an optional part of the EMF Business Start-Up Course or the Guided Online Course, a student can perform an assessment under the careful eye of trainer Patrick van der Burght or his senior consultants, who are able to guide the assessment approach.

This is an excellent learning experience for the student who has the hand on tools and a super bonus for their fellow PRO-level students who can all go ‘on-site’ from the comfort of their home and observe. This is also to refresh your knowledge and witness how flexible thinking is required for every unique home.



Those with access will be invited.

About the EMF Business Start-Up Course by Patrick van der Burght

After years of training people to assess EMF radiation and Geopathic Stress professionally, a ground-braking new education system was developed for the GEOVITAL Academy to optimise the desired outcomes of students to become professionals in the field of EMF radiation assessment and mitigation. With a 5-6 week online guided learning process (learning from online video lectures at your own pace during a week, followed by an online meeting with the instructor and your hand-full of fellow students) to cover the theory in a much better way and combining it with a 4 day truly practical workshop filled with home assessments. This program is not only unique but has set industry benchmarks for actually creating active consultants instead of just past-students.

With a host of inclusions, like business training, a website, and much more, the EMF Business Start-Up Course is bringing unprecedented value along with excellent education.

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