Business Skills – EMF2 Biz1 online session

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Business Basics – Let’s start at the beginning (EMF2 Biz1)

This session is for the students of the EMF Business Start-Up course (committed to doing EMF1 + EMF2) and is part of a 2 event introduction series in starting your own business and basic skills and knowledge for building your business. COUNTDOWN TIMER

Knowing what you’re doing with EMF radiation will enable you to render good services to clients, but how do you make sure people can find you? How do you best communicate with them? How do you explain that you can provide assessment and mitigation solutions better than anyone else? This is not part of EMF radiation assessment skills, but rather part of your business skills. In the first and second EMF2 Biz session, we cover important basics to help you on your way.

Business Skills Online Session BIZ1 BIZ2

EMF business skills session on start-up basics

Following these sessions for new students of the EMF2 program, you will also be able to attend far more specific sessions held throughout the year on subjects like:

  • Communication Skills
  • Photography and Videography
  • Social Media: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
  • Networking
  • Marketing strategies
  • Webinars

To access this session, you need to be a student of the EMF1 AND EMF2 course, and you’ll be invited to these events. These sessions are not available to outsiders and not able to be enrolled separately.

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