Who Am I?

I love the feeling of being healthy, fit and strong and I’ve always loved being active in the outdoors. During my own 8-year health journey I realized how difficult it is to get hold of information and support to help someone regain their health. I am excited to share what I’ve learned with other people and assist them to enjoy a healthy life. I am a father of two young boys and I am passionate about making the world a safer place for them and all children.

Tom Landon Smith, Australia


  • Home Assessments

  • EMF Radiation assessment

  • Geopathic Stress assessments

Profile Picture

Tom Landon Smith
“Providing radiation shielding solutions to help make your home a safer place for you and your family .”

Some highlights

Experiencing the incredible improvement to my sleep and health after shielding my own home has given me great enthusiasm to help others create safe and healthy homes.

I researched for 8 years with the patience and resolve to regain my health. I found that removing sources of toxicity should be the first step to regaining health and electromagnetic radiation is a very significant source of toxicity on the body. I am so pleased to work with Geovital to provide practical and effective shielding solutions to mitigate this stress for people.

I am thorough and patient and enjoy working with clients to create the most practical solutions for them to regain a healthier home environment.

As a former Australian Cross-Country Ski Team member and part of one of the most successful adventure racing teams in the world, I continue to love any adventure in the beautiful outdoors. I love skiing, mountain biking, running, kayaking and swimming. The sense of freedom, the fresh air, the challenge and the feeling of being strong and fit. I enjoy sharing this with other people and encouraging them to take on something new.