EMF Consultant Patrick van der Burght

Who Am I?

Patrick is the Senior Managing Partner of GEOVITAL INTERNATIONAL and conducts most of the English training for the academy in Austria, Australia, North America and Asia, as well as extensive guided online courses. Patrick is available ‘globally’ to do home assessment, new home construction planning and speaking engagements on the subject of EMF radiation.



  • Home Assessments for families, celebrities, corporate high-flyers and royalty.

  • New Home Radiation-Free Building Consultancy

  • International Speaker on EMF exposure and mitigation

  • Course Director of radiation assessment courses for Amateur to PRO

  • Mentor to near global network of EMF home health consultants

  • Host of Podcast channel ‘Health Stronghold’

Profile Picture

Patrick van der Burght
Patrick van der BurghtDomestic Radiation Specialist, Author, Speaker and Trainer
“My most exciting part of my work is the thank-you messages when people’s lives have improved, and seeing my expertise duplicated in my students through whom I can help so many more families.”

Some highlights

I get excited helping anyone live healthier through the work I do. Be it for aimed health recovery or peak performance for athletes. One of the areas that I do get extra excited about is new home construction. To build a home just slightly different and avoid the typical EMF exposure found in homes is great work too be involved in.

  • EMF Home Assessments
  • New Build Radiation-Free Construction (Domestic & Health Resorts)
  • Speaking engagements
  • Teaching

Patrick’s experience in the field of EMF assessment and mitigation has seen him teach hundreds of people over the years and made him a sought after speaker at conferences and guest writer for magazines. Whilst assisting ordinary families around the world as well as celebrities and even royalty, is a wonderful recognition of one’s skills, it would have to be the education of so many people that Patrick has done, that is one of his biggest achievements.

The best way to make changes is investigation first. Patrick doesn’t get excited when people dive in and make some purchases of EMF reducing materials and ‘have a go at it’ because it sounded like a good idea. Mitigation against radiation exposure is not difficult in most cases but does need to based on knowing what it is you’re trying to fix.

So ideally an onsite assessment is done before making any changes. Patrick works very detailed when it comes to his approach in assessing existing properties or construction plans for new build homes. The property owner or resident is normally involved in his assessment and will be holding and using much of the instrumentation during the process. A good way to learn, understand and be empowered.

Heading an international organisation and team of EMF consultants doesn’t leave much time for fun. But when he does, Patrick likes Scuba Dive, fly fixed wing aeroplanes, ride is motorcycle, fly his drone, do photography, videography and edit video.

Listen to some who have experience with Patrick