EMF Consultant - Kirstin Lynde

Who Am I?

I am part of a global team of Geovital EMF Consultants.  I help families create safe “home havens” which support health and high-quality sleep in a world where we are buffeted with increasing amounts of non-ionizing radiation.  Our bodies did not evolve to handle these un-natural frequencies, and they can silently lead to unwanted symptoms and accelerated illness.   I consult with clients in all parts of the U.S. over Zoom, plus offer in-person home EMF assessments primarily in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Florida.

  • EMF radiation assessment
  • EMF mitigation
  • Healthy bedroom shielding
  • Pre-purchase/ pre-rental EMF consultations
  • New “healthy home” build design
  • Online or in-person talks & training on EMF safety and shielding
  • Virtual phone or zoom-based EMF consultations


  • EMF Home Assessments

  • EMF Radiation assessment

  • Pre-Purchase Inspections

Profile Picture

Kirstin Lynde
“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.”
― Isaac Asimov

Some highlights

  • Creating a safe home for two individuals who wanted to live under one roof, but had very different needs and desires when it came to EMF levels/technology – not an unusual situation!
  • Designing and building a healthy low-EMF, non-toxic “upfitted” van for an individual wishing to safely and inexpensively travel, adventure, sleep and chase the sun – while avoiding hotels & rental homes which so often contain unsafe EMF levels, not to mention poor indoor air quality due to mold/ chemical issues
  • Helping clients, friends, and family add the most important new 21st century health habit to their lives: safe technology usage.  In this era, healthy whole food, exercise, and stress management become an incomplete list without this newest addition!
  • Wherever possible, I go to clients’ homes (or prospective homes/ properties) to help them discover if any areas — especially bedrooms– contain unsafe levels of electric, magnetic, or radiofrequency radiation. Wiring errors in walls, WiFi devices, smart meters & technologies, power lines on/near the property, and radiation from cell towers down the street can all contribute to problematic radiation levels.
  • Armed with this knowledge, I work with clients to prioritize and design EMF mitigation strategies, which can involve shielding, new habits, and/or other sorts of strategies.
  • When necessary due to distance or circumstances, I consult via phone or Zoom with clients to help them better understand and address radiation in their homes.
  • Reading non-fiction, unearthing new health insights, foot-tapping Celtic music, living outdoors, leadership coaching, sharing special meals with family or friends, creating beautiful living spaces, yoga at sunrise, teaching my mini golden-doodle Ginger new tricks, sneaking bites of dark chocolate.