Who Am I?

I live in the beautiful Moolboolaman, QLD. I’m 24 yrs married and together we have six healthy children. I love learning and expend my knowledge outside what is currently accepted by mainstream science and its set paradigms. 

Helping people to create a healthy bedroom is my passion, as well as sharing about the ever-growing levels of dangerous man-made radiation. Because I came down after a CT scan with microwave illness or what they now call electrohyper sensivity, I can greatly sympathize with people who feel the effects and I love to share my journey of discovery towards better health and wellbeing of which a faraday cage is essential.

Home Assessments for Man Made Radiation both wired and wireless.

Assessing Geopathic Stress (the excess of natural radiation from the earth)


  • EMF Radiation assessment

  • Geopathic Stress assessments

Profile Picture

John Plansoen
Helping people to create a healthy bedroom is my passion, as well as sharing about the ever growing levels of dangerous man made radiation.

Some highlights

My passion is twofold. My wife and I both suffer from electrohyper sensivity for which there are now bio-markers available. We physically feel the effects on a daily basis when we go away from home. It all started when five years my wife came down with skin cancer and though we used natural medicine at home, the stumbling block to completely heal up was the radiation from our WiFi and the electric fields from the wiring in the walls. We had a 14 months struggle where she was at least five hours a day bedridden and I took care of her. With natural supplementation the wounds had finally closed up but they kept weeping. A CTC (Circulating Tumor Cell) blood test from Greece revealed that there was still cancer in her blood, that her DNA was damaged and her Melatonin production impaired. Her body could not repair itself at night. I got myself trained with Geovital and just 2,5 weeks after implementing what I had learned the weeping stopped. One year later because of non related pregnancy issue a blood test showed no cancer in her blood either. Since our journey I love to help others with their health struggles.

Building our own portable faraday cage that we now can take with us to a future rental home has been my favorite project so far. It’s great to be able to sleep normally again and not stay awake because of the levels of radiation coming from the towers in our area.

I find that many customers often have had their own health journey before they meet me and I truly love hearing about their journey and I feel grateful that I can become a stepping stone towards their complete recovery by investigating what is going on and how to mitigate what we find. When it concerns people with EHS, I also can share other things that has helped me towards better managing this condition.

My wife often introduces me an an info-bomb as I love to dig deep in many different subjects of life be it health, spirituality, the often overlooked other side of history, alternative science or quantum physics. Passing this kind of knowledge on to my wife and home schooled kids, as well as doing things together as a family, is my greatest passion in life!