It is rewarding work to help families live healthier lives.
Do you think it is unfair how we are exposed to so much EMF radiation for which there is so much research indicating how harmful it is? Taking care of it your own life is wonderful, but our consultants have a passion for enabling others to protect themselves as well, in logical and effective ways which fit into a holistic approach to health. If you can see yourself helping others and building rewarding career from it, then keep reading. This page explains about the most comprehensive and supportive EMF consultant training course now in existence.

The Stand-Alone PRO-Level Guided Online Course
(and Module 1 to the EMF Radiation Assessment and Mitigation Business Start-Up Course)
After many years of teaching people in a 4 day intensive course style, a dramatic change was called for. Since its creation, Patrick’s signature course has earned much respect and produced more confident and capable consultants than ever before. This was the thought process:
There is a lot of theory to cover. It is not difficult, but it is a lot. It is costly to travel to a workshop in Austria, Australia, Canada or Asia, and to then spent days sitting in a class room to cover theory doesn’t seem like a good use of time. Patrick was already teaching courses online but fell into a similar ‘intense’ and fast paced habit. What this new course offers proved much needed and wanted:
- Do theory online over a number of weeks BEFORE traveling to a workshop
- Allow the learning of theory at people’s own pace during a week using online training videos, followed by weekly live online review sessions.
- Provide such detailed training so that with instruments, even after just the guided online course module (EMF1), practice assessments can be started and even start working in the field.
- Allow ongoing access to the training materials for review after the course.
- Offer online students the opportunity to do a FULL HOME ASSESSMENT of their own home under supervision of Patrick or a Senior Consultant (if needed instruments are acquired during the course period)
Never before has an EMF online course had so much detail and an ability to practice under supervision
EMF1 is a stand alone course
This course is essentially the theory module of the EMF Assessment and Mitigation Business Start-Up Course. It ended up being so detailed and managed to fit in a growing number of video recordings of supervised assessment (and their feedback to the student) in to give confidence when practicing new learned skills after the course.
The option exists to do an assessment of ones own home if GEOVITAL meters were acquired during the course, with Patrick or one of the senior consultants supervising. All up, this course delivers MORE practice than any other EMF assessment course.
It is therefor no wonder that the EMF1 module has become a stand alone program.
Including EMF2 for Business Skills and Online Practice and/or attending the EMF3 In-Person Practical Workshop is desirable and recommended
Even before a solid base of understanding of the subject matter from a wholistic approach is build, students can benefit greatly from attending the Business Focussed sessions available through EMF2 enrolment. With additional inclusions the EMF2 offers great value and prepares students for a more successful entry into the industry.
After EMF1, even without having done EMF2, the ‘optional’ EMF3 program with an in-person workshop in one of the locations around the world, would propel students to unseen levels of confidence.
EMF3 would include:
- 3 or 4 Day in-person workshop in Austria, Australia, Canada or Malaysia
- Doing multiple full home assessments, possibly with local residents there.
- Learn about geopathic stress assessment
As soon as students are enrolled in the Business Program (EMF2) they gain access to 12 months of formal and dedicated online business training sessions most of which are industry specific, giving them a flying start straight out the course. Subjects may include:
Let us explain EMF1 EMF2 and EMF3 properly
This is included in the most complete stand-alone Online EMF consultant training course
Click the tabs to see the inclusions.

Included subjects in the course are:
- Electricity as source of radiation
- Tools of the trade (meters)
- The Home Assessment Process
- Avoidance, Elimination and Mitigation Solutions
- Under standing shielding effectiveness and how to identify misleading marketing
- Mitigation processes and examples
- Geopatchic Stress introduction
- Healthier mattresses

Access to Office Hours online sessions
Every 4-6 weeks Patrick hosts a Zoom meeting for his past PRO level students. A nice way to be able to ask more questions after the course has ended and listen and learn from the questions of others.
A detailed and confidence building GUIDED online course to get started in a new field
You can find the dates of the EMF1 (and EMF2, and EMF3 if planned) course in the event calendar. The courses are also listed as items in the online shop and can be purchased there.
LIMITED: We take a maximum of 8 or 10 students in our online EMF1 course, so don’t delay as course can fill suddenly.
Join us soon!
Listen to some who have experience with Patrick