Propel your experience and confidence to new heights in this 4 Day Practical Workshop
in Sulzberg, Austria – Melbourne, Australia – Vancouver, Canada
After having done at least 4 weeks of the EMF1 Guided Online Course in EMF Assessment and Mitigation, you can attend an EMF3 In-Person Practical Workshop for EMF assessment, where you spend time with Patrick van der Burght and/or his senior consultants and experience a fun and exciting boost in your abilities and confidence. As far as we know, no other EMF training globally offers actual home assessment training in actual houses.
With a maximum student number of JUST 6 (!) this is a special and very personal experience for sure.

World-First 4 Day Practical with Actual Home Assessments
Once a solid base of understanding of the subject matter of EMF radiation protection assessment and mitigation from a wholistic approach has been build in the Guided Online Course (EMF1), then this in-person practical workshop (EMF3) will propel students to unseen levels of confidence.
- 3 or 4 Day in-person workshop in Austria, Australia, Canada or soon Asia
- Doing multiple full home assessments, possibly with local residents there.
- Learn geopathic stress assessment skills
BONUS: Get invited to witness LIVE EMF Home Assessments online between enrolment and doing your EMF3
Between enrolment in EMF3 and your starting day, students of this EMF3 module will be invited to online virtual practice assessments that are done with other students of EMF1 and EMF2. This gives you an opportunity to witness home assessments and learn from the feedback given to others. This is a nice way to keep your EMF radiation assessment knowledge fresh and receive some learning between enrolling and doing your EMF3 in-person workshop. Quite a valuable add-on!
This is included in the EMF3 Practical Workshop enrolment
Click the tabs to see the inclusions.

- Between enrolment and your workshop starting date, you’ll be invited to witness LIVE home assessments online.
- 3 or 4 Day in-person practical workshop at the location you choose
(Sulzberg, Austria – Melbourne, Australia – Vancouver, Canada – Soon also Asia) - Multiple Home Assessments for practice
- Geopathic Stress assessment skills training
- For workshops held in Austria, a visit to the GEOVITAL ACADEMY
- Access to Patrick’s regular online meetings for past PRO level students, called OFFICE HOURS
NOTE: Students are expected to book their accommodation in a AirBNB entire home in a designated area and possibly pre-approved venues. It is your accommodation that we may practice home assessments in and possibly homes from members of the public. If no suitable home was rented by the student, then a levy of U$400 will have to be charged so we can rent homes to assesses instead.
Additional inclusions to EMF3
Online LIVE Home Assessments you can witness and learn from
Between now and the starting date of your chosen EMF3 workshop, there may be weeks or more likely months and we found a way to make good use of this time to aid your learning by letting you watch home assessment done by other students, online.
Students of our EMF1 guided online course for EMF assessment and mitigation, as well as students that are enrolled in EMF2 the Business Sessions, have the opportunity to do a home assessment in their own or a friend’s home whilst being supervised by Patrick van der Burght or a senior GEOVITAL consultant, if they have purchased the GEOVITAL meters. This is a great learning experience for them, but also for the other students that are invited to log in and witness the event and listen to the feedback.
Every home presents its own unique situation and seeing these assessments helps to remind you of the EMF radiation home assessment processes you learned and you may learn from the mistakes of others. The earlier your enrol in EMF3, the more virtual assessments you could be invited to. Adding quite the benefit to enrolling early into an EMF3 in-person workshop.
Access to Office Hours online sessions

Patrick regularly hosts a Zoom meeting for his past PRO level students. A nice way to be able to ask more questions after the course has ended and listen and learn from the questions of others.
A highly personal experience for a major boost in skill
You can find the dates of planned EMF3 modules in the event calendar. The workshops will also be listed as items in the online shop and can be purchased there.
We do the EMF3 with a maximum of 6 people over 3 or 4 days, the value of this training program is exceptional and a logical extension onto your EMF1 (and EMF2) experience.
Join us soon!
You can attend an EMF3 again
in the same or a different country
for added experience, confidence and fun.
What a wonderful business expense, right?

Listen to some who have experience with Patrick