Who Am I?

When I first became aware of our abundant healing potential, a fire was lit inside me. I became a fierce researcher working towards my own vitality and the health of my family. This passion eventually led me to one of the biggest health burdens facing us today — EMF radiation. My mission is to bring awareness of this well-hidden problem to as many people as possible and guide those who desire to make changes with well-tested, effective solutions.
We are not victims of our health problems, we are victors. Our problems are indicators showing us the need to remove our health burdens. It’s no longer sustainable to live in a sea of EMF radiation.
  • EMF Home Assessments

  • EMF Radiation assessment

  • Pre-Purchase Inspections

Profile Picture

Angela Doherty
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.”
Alexander Den Heijer

Some highlights

  •  I love working with anyone excited to improve their health. I especially love helping those who have already noticed they feel unwell in the presence of EMF radiation.
  • My highest accomplishment is boldly speaking the truth on an issue where deception is rampant so that others can find a way to heal.
  • I work with clients through an on-site home assessment and involve as many members of the household as possible. An assessment is a learning experience and a guided investigation.  I want clients to feel fully informed about their exposures and empowered to protect themselves with effective solutions.
  • When I’m not talking about radiation I can be found enjoying life with my 3 daughters, hiking the beautiful Pacific Northwest, doing yoga, cooking amazing food, or fixing whatever is broken around the house.